Sunday, February 26, 2017

Rockin' the Animation Using Google Slides

I got this fabulous activity from a session at CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp. The presenter was Corey Coble. Click here for the video he made on it. This is one I made in just 30 minutes for the Earth and Sun unit I had just started teaching. 

1. Create a slide with an image to animate (move on screen).
2. Duplicate that slide by clicking on "File" then "Duplicate slide.".
3. Click on the image on slide 2 and use the arrow keys to move it. The fewer the clicks the smoother the animation.
4. Duplicate that slide.
5. Click on the image on slide 3 and move it.
6. Continue to duplicate, move, duplicate, move, etc. 
7. When done, click "File" then "Publish to web"
8. In the popup box, select the boxes next to "Start slide show.." and "Restart..." 
9. Select "Publish"
10. Copy the link that appears.
11. Open a new tab and paste the link into the address bar. Do NOT press "Enter." 
12. Change the 3000 at the end of the address to 125, then press "Enter"

To get the students started, I used Google Classroom to push out a template of one slide with the sun, person, and shadow to each student. They had the freedom to change the person. Their task was to show their understanding of how shadows change throughout the day.

The sun was easy to move with the arrows. The shadow was much more difficult because with each move, the length and width needed to change, so that had to be done freehand. 

These were the results after just 45 minutes:

The possibilities with this are endless.

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